(Neh. 1:1-4)
Iyẹn ọghe emwi ne Nehimaia ne ovbi e Hakalaia sẹtin ru ọre ena khin. Vbe uki e Kislev, vbe ọ rre ukpo ugie ne Atakzaziz kegha re ọgbaisi e Pẹsia, mẹ ne Nehimaia kegha rre Susa ne igiogbẹ otọe nii.
The words of Ne·he·miʹah* the son of Hac·a·liʹah: Now in the month of Chisʹlev,* in the 20th year, I was in Shuʹshan* the citadel.*
2 E Hanani, ọkpa vbe uwu etẹn mwẹ, kevbe emwa ọvbehe eso, keghi ke Juda rre. I keghi nọ iran vbene ọ ghi ye hẹ ighẹ e Jerusalẹm kevbe avbe Ju ne ihua mwẹ ni ke Babilọn kevbe iwe gha dee.
2 At that time Ha·naʹni, one of my brothers, arrived with other men from Judah, and I asked them about the remaining Jews who had escaped the captivity, and also about Jerusalem.
3 Iran keghi tama mwẹ wẹ uwu ọlọghọmwa nọkhua ọre iran ye ighẹ iran ni miẹn uhunmwu ya sẹ owa, kevbe wẹẹ, avbe erhunmwuyẹn ni yin lẹga iran I zẹdẹ ghe iran sọmwa, iran keghi vbe tama mwẹ wẹ te ekẹn ne a gbe gaa e Jerusalẹm he ye rẹnkhuan kevbe wẹẹ, a ma hẹ ye dọlegbe bọ onurho ẹre ke ẹghẹ ne iran ya giẹn ọnrẹn gha dee.
3 They replied: “Those remaining there in the province* who have survived the captivity are in a terrible situation and in disgrace. The walls of Jerusalem are broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.”
4 Ugbẹn vbe I ghi họn ẹmwẹ na, I na de tota, I na gha viẹ egbe mwẹ. I ma rri evbare vbe ikpẹdẹ nibun, I kegha khiẹ, I na gha na erhunmwu ghe Osanobua
4 As soon as I heard these words, I sat down and began to weep and mourn for days, and I kept fasting and praying before the God of the heavens.
Meaning “Jah Comforts.”
See App. B15.
Or “Susa.”
Or “palace; fortress.”
Or “jurisdictional district.”
(Neh. 2:1-8)
Ọ ghi sẹ ẹdẹ ọkpa vbe uki enẹ ghi gberra nẹ, Atakzaziz nẹ Ọgbaisi ghi rri evbare, I na sa ayọn mu gie ẹre. Ọ ma he miẹn mwẹ vbe uwu akhiẹ vbẹrriọ ẹdẹ,
In the month of Niʹsan,* in the 20th year of King Ar·ta·xerxʹes, wine was set before him, and as usual I took up the wine and gave it to the king. But I had never been gloomy in his presence.
2 rhunmwuda ọnii, ọ kẹghi nọ wẹẹ, Vbọzẹe ne ekhọẹ ruẹ na rhia sẹrriọ yi? U i khuomwi, iyayi ighẹ uwu akhiẹ ọrẹ u ye. Ohan keghi mu mwẹ.
2 So the king said to me: “Why do you look so gloomy when you are not sick? This can be nothing but gloominess of heart.” At this I became very frightened.
3 Rhunmwuda ọnii, I kẹghi wanniẹn wẹẹ, U gha tọ u kpẹrẹ Umogun, vbọzẹe ne ekhọe mwẹ i ra na rhia ugbẹn vbe a miẹn wẹ ẹvbo ne a re avbe erhamwẹ odede yi, a rẹnkhọn ruan, a keghi ya erhẹn giẹn urho ne ọ rrọọ?”
3 Then I said to the king: “Long live the king! Why should I not look gloomy when the city, the place where my forefathers are buried, lies in ruins, and its gates have been consumed by fire?”
4 Ọgbaisi kẹghi nọ wẹẹ, De ẹmwi ne u ghi hoo nian? I kẹghi na erhunmwu ghe Osanobua Ẹrinmwi, iyeke ọnii,
4 The king then said to me: “What is it that you are seeking?” At once I prayed to the God of the heavens.
5 I na tama ọgbaisi wẹẹ, Adeghẹ I miẹn aro ne ọ maan vbe obọ ruẹ, Umogun, u na vbe wẹ u gha rhie emwi ne I nọrẹn mẹ, gu mwẹ gha rrie Juda, ẹvbo nii ne a ree avbe erha mwẹ odede yi, ne I ya dọlọ ẹvbo nii bọ.
5 I then said to the king: “If it pleases the king and if your servant has found favor with you, send me to Judah, to the city where my forefathers are buried, so that I may rebuild it.”
6 Ehe ne ọgbaisi na tota ni, amwẹ ọnrẹn keghi vbe tota ke ẹre, ọ keghi yobọ ye emwi ne I nọ rẹn. Ọ keghi nọ mwẹ vbẹnẹ I gha kpẹe sẹ hẹ, kevbe ẹghẹ ne I gha ya werriegbe rre, I na tama rẹn.
6 Then the king, with his royal consort* sitting beside him, said to me: “How long will your journey be, and when will you return?” So it pleased the king to send me, and I gave him a set time.
7 I keghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ ne ọ gu mwẹ wa miẹn aro nẹ ọ maan vbe obọ ọre, nọ gbẹnnẹ ebe mẹ viọ gie avbe ni khaevbisẹ vbe otọ Orrie Yufretes wẹẹ ne iran gu mwẹ gha rrie Juda.
7 Then I said to the king: “If it pleases the king, let letters be given me for the governors of the region Beyond the River,* granting me safe passage until I reach Judah,
8 I keghi vbe nọ wẹẹ nọ gbẹn ebe mẹ rhie gie Asaf nọ gbaroghe ẹgbo ọba, nọ khama rẹn wẹẹ nọ viọ erhan mẹ ne I ya kan ẹkhu onurho odin ne ọ degue Ọgua Osa, deba ọghe ekẹn ne a gbe lẹga ẹvbo kevbe owa ne imẹ ra dia. Ọgbaisi keghi wa viọ emwi ne I nọrẹn hia mẹ rhunmwuda, Osanobua gu mwẹ rrọọ.
8 as well as a letter to Aʹsaph the keeper of the Royal Park,* so that he may give me timber for beams for the gates of the Fortress of the House* and for the walls of the city and for the house where I will go.” So the king gave them to me, for the good hand of my God was upon me.
See App. B15.
Or “his queen.”
Or “of Trans-Euphrates.”
Or “the king’s forest.”
Or “Temple.”
(Neh. 2:2)
rhunmwuda ọnii, ọ kẹghi nọ wẹẹ, Vbọzẹe ne ekhọẹ ruẹ na rhia sẹrriọ yi? U i khuomwi, iyayi ighẹ uwu akhiẹ ọrẹ u ye. Ohan keghi mu mwẹ.
So the king said to me: “Why do you look so gloomy when you are not sick? This can be nothing but gloominess of heart.” At this I became very frightened.
(Neh. 7:1-3)
Vbe ẹghẹ ne a ghi kha na nian, a gbe ekẹn ọlẹga nii fo nẹ, avbe yi ẹkhu lele ehia nẹ, a vbe ghae iwinna iran ne iran nẹ ighẹ iran ni khẹ Ọgua Osa, avbe ọsian nihuanrẹn, kevbe avbe Livai nekpa.
As soon as the wall had been rebuilt I set up the doors; then the gatekeepers, the singers, and the Levites were appointed.
2 I keghi viọ arhin eva yọ ne iran gha khaẹvbisẹ yan Jerusalẹm, iran na kegha re ọtẹnmwẹ ne okpia ighẹ Hanani kevbe Hananaia ne ọkaokuo ne ọ gbaroghe odin ikhẹgbe. E Hananaia kegha re ọmwa ne ọ gie a mu ẹtin yan kevbe ne ọ vbe mu ohan Osanobua ne ai vbe miẹn egbọre ọvbehe.
2 I then put my brother Ha·naʹni in charge of Jerusalem, along with Han·a·niʹah the chief of the Fortress, for he was a most trustworthy man and feared the true God more than many others.
3 I keghi tama iran wẹẹ ẹdẹ ma wan nẹ fẹẹrẹ, ne iran ghẹ gha kie urho e Jerusalẹm vbe owiẹ, kevbe wẹẹ, avbe iran ni khẹ odẹ te kpa vbe ota, a ghi khui ẹre, a ghi viọ avbe ogba ẹre kọ ẹre. I keghi vbe tama iran wẹẹ, uwu emwa ni rre Jerusalẹm ọre iran gha na zẹlẹ emwa ni khẹ odẹ, a ghi wa vbe rhie ehe ne domwadẹ ọghẹe gha khẹ nẹẹn, kevbe nekpa, ne iran ya gha gbe ọrrẹrrẹ lẹga owa iran.
3 So I said to them: “The gates of Jerusalem should not be opened until the heat of the day, and while they are standing guard, they should shut the doors and bolt them. And assign the inhabitants of Jerusalem as guards, each to his assigned guardpost and each in front of his own house.”
(Neh. 11:2)
Emwa nii keghi tian avbe emwa ọvbehe ni tobọ iran kha wẹẹ iran gha yin adesẹ ore Jerusalẹm.
Moreover, the people blessed all the men who volunteered to live in Jerusalem.